Loi du 1er décembre 2017 portant approbation de la Convention européenne relative à la protection du patrimoine audiovisuel, faite à Strasbourg, le 8 novembre 2001

This legislation focuses on the protection and promotion of European audiovisual heritage, emphasising the significance of safeguarding cultural diversity and identity. It outlines obligations for Parties to designate archival institutions responsible for preserving and providing access to audiovisual materials. The document stresses the importance of financial and technical support for these archival organisations to fulfil their missions effectively.

Furthermore, the legislation establishes guidelines for legal deposit requirements, encouraging voluntary contributions to enrich audiovisual collections. It highlights the cooperative efforts among archival and voluntary deposit entities to enhance the preservation and accessibility of audiovisual materials. The document also addresses the promotion of public access to deposited audiovisual content through contractual agreements with rights holders.

Moreover, the Convention underscores the role of audiovisual heritage as a form of art and historical memory, serving cultural, scientific, and research purposes. It defines key terms such as “images in movement” and “cinematographic works” to clarify the scope of protected materials. Overall, this legislation aims to ensure the long-term conservation and dissemination of European audiovisual heritage for the benefit of present and future generations, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Heritage Protection, Heritage promotion, European Heritage, Audiovisual Heritage, Cultural Identity, cultural diversity, Heritage Diversity, Cultural Heritage, Historical Memory, Council of Europe
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