Arrêté ministériel du 5 juin 1946 portant fixation d’un système officiel d’orthographe luxembourgeoise

This legislation introduces an official orthography for the Luxembourgish language, aiming to provide clear and precise rules for writing words in the language. It addresses the need for a uniform orthography to support Luxembourgish as a subject of education. The document emphasises the importance of establishing consistent spelling guidelines to facilitate language learning and usage.

The orthography guidelines outlined in the legislation are crucial for standardising the written form of the Luxembourgish language. By setting clear rules for spelling, the document ensures that students have a structured framework for writing words accurately. This initiative is significant for preserving and promoting the linguistic heritage of Luxembourg, reinforcing the cultural identity associated with the language.

Furthermore, the legislation highlights the efforts to overcome challenges related to the absence of a uniform orthography for Luxembourgish. By establishing an official orthography, the document contributes to the recognition and validation of the language in educational settings. It underscores the commitment to enhancing language education and supporting the integration of Luxembourgish into formal learning environments.

Overall, this legislative measure plays a vital role in shaping the linguistic landscape of Luxembourg by providing a standardised system for writing the Luxembourgish language. It underscores the government’s dedication to language preservation and education, ensuring that future generations have access to clear and consistent spelling rules. The document’s impact extends beyond educational contexts, influencing cultural heritage and linguistic diversity in Luxembourg.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Luxembourgish language, National language, orthography, Education, Education and Training, Linguistics, Linguistic heritage, Heritage Preservation, Cultural Identity, Language preservation, Cultural Heritage, Linguistic diversity, cultural diversity
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