Plano Estratégico Municipal da Cultura para o Concelho de Leiria (2020-2030): Volume I • Diagnóstico do Sistema Cultural e Criativo (SCC) de Leiria

The Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture for the Municipality of Leiria covers the decade between 2020 and 2030 and is the result of a multi-stage process involving the participation of citizens. The plan is structured around five axes of strategic intervention: one community, multiple heritages; artistic and creative Leiria; Leiria, a laboratory of citizenship; openness and global dialogue; and diverse and collaborative territories.

This first volume of the strategic Plan presents a diagnosis of the cultural and creative system of Leiria, which was based on documentary and statistical analyses and a wide range of interviews and meetings held either in-person or on a digital platform. The goal of the diagnosis was the acquisition and sharing of an integrated and sound knowledge of the essential aspects of the cultural scenario in Leiria that, at the same time, would be engaging and capable of promoting collective debate and reflection.

Even though Leiria’s cultural system is diverse and interconnected, the cultural and creative sector is characterised by dispersion and fragmentation due to the predominance of small businesses and freelance professionals. Moreover, public funding is not increasing, leading to a concentration in key areas. Digitization has brought innovation but also challenges, especially for certain subsets.

Overall, the diagnosis establishes that the city values its heritage, embraces contemporary challenges and promotes growth with equity, yet weaknesses lie in a lack of patronage and sponsorship for cultural activities. The heritage assets in Leiria’s historic old town are crucial, with urban regeneration policies being implemented.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Municipality of Leiria
Portugal, Portugal
Regional, Strategy, cultural diversity, Participation, Heritage Preservation, Communication, Sustainable Development, Policy Recommendations
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