Forecast to fill gaps between education and training supply and labour market needs. A preliminary analysis.

The aim of this report is to collect and summarise preliminary findings from previous reports of the CHARTER project, looking for improvements to fill gaps and improve Cultural Heritage virtuous learning circle, career development and quality certification standards.

Moreover, this report is essential to inform how to structure deliverable 4.4. “Overall sector integrated dynamics and future scenarios”, where a substantially more critical reflection on these findings and results will be developed. This report identifies gaps and needs that are perceived to affect the development of professional activities within the field of heritage and showcase examples that demonstrate possibilities for resolving some of these needs.

The mapping of the heritage sector needs to be improved with respect to the range and type of occupations that are now considered to be heritage professions. This is a direct result of a broadened concept of heritage which has reframed and repurposed the value of heritage to society. The future gaps and needs can only be anticipated by contextualising heritage practice within the many challenges society faces and by obtaining a clear overview of the sectoral dynamics that are currently in play.

The outcome of this report and the deliverable 4.3 summarising the results of the regional workshops, will enable the development of recommendations for the heritage sector, to be presented in deliverable 4.4 in 2024.

Heritage Preservation
CHARTER Alliance
Cultural Heritage, Learning outcomes, Career development, Certification, Professionals, Professional activities, Education and Training, Heritage Education
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