Plano Estratégico para a Cultura de Faro

The document “PEC FARO 2030” outlines the Strategic Plan for Faro’s Culture until 2030, consisting of two main components: the Cultural and Creative Sector Diagnosis and the Strategy for Faro’s Culture. The document is divided into two parts, with the first focusing on diagnosing the cultural and creative sector’s structure, dynamics, and economic importance in Faro. It emphasises the need for solid information to guide future public policies.

The strategic plan aligns with UNESCO’s approach to cultural and creative sectors, emphasising the comprehensive understanding of these areas beyond economic impacts. Faro’s economy heavily relies on services, with tourism playing a vital role in driving economic growth. The document highlights Faro’s historical prosperity and growth, positioning it as a significant economic and cultural hub in the Algarve region.

The analysis delves into the challenges and opportunities facing Faro’s cultural and creative sector, emphasising the importance of infrastructure support and sector analysis. Despite the city’s historical significance and economic growth, there are areas, such as tourism, where improvements are needed to align with regional standards. The document also addresses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cultural and creative sector, acknowledging the profound economic implications it poses.

Overall, the strategic plan aims to provide a roadmap for fostering cultural and creative development in Faro until 2030, considering both internal and external factors influencing the city’s dynamics.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Municipality of Faro
Portugal, Portugal
Cultural Strategy, Culture, Regional, Evaluation
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