Artistic and Curatorial Power in Cities’ Historic Spaces

Explore a comprehensive analysis of artistic and curatorial interventions in historic spaces across European cities, focusing on urban renewal strategies and community engagement. The article delves into the revitalization of neglected areas through creative initiatives, shedding light on the transformative power of cultural projects in local communities. It examines the impact of small-scale artwork interventions on urban spaces, emphasizing the role of residents and artists in reclaiming decision-making power in cultural consumption.

Discover case studies that showcase the adaptive reuse of historical assets, such as abandoned churches, to foster cultural regeneration and social innovation. The analysis highlights the collaborative processes that empower communities to redefine the use and value of these spaces, turning them into hubs of creativity and community engagement. Through a lens of cultural production and heritage preservation, the document offers insights into the potential of art-driven initiatives to drive meaningful transformations in urban environments.

Uncover the strategies employed in neighbourhood/site projects in cities like Athens, Salerno, and Sunderland, illustrating how these initiatives breathe new life into historic areas and invite diverse creative uses. By examining the intersection of art, community building, and urban renewal, the document provides a compelling narrative on the impact of cultural interventions in shaping vibrant and inclusive urban spaces. Engage with the stories of local residents, artists, and stakeholders who collaborate to challenge top-down impositions and foster a sense of ownership and pride in their cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Dr. Cristina Garzillo
Greece, Greece
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Creativity, Urban Revival, Curatorial Light, Performing Arts, Community Knowledge
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