Planning the circular city: focus on buildings’ environmental impact

Explore the pivotal role of existing and cultural heritage buildings in advancing Circular City initiatives across Europe. This insightful piece underscores the significance of integrating sustainable practices in urban development by focusing on buildings, particularly those with historical and cultural value. By advocating for a circular economy approach, the paper highlights the potential for reducing environmental impacts and enhancing resource efficiency within city landscapes.

The narrative delves into the interconnectedness of circular economy principles, urban development, and the environmental footprint of buildings. It emphasises the necessity of prioritising buildings, especially historic structures, to achieve low-carbon development and align with European Union policy goals. Through a lens of sustainability, the document underscores the importance of adaptive reuse and deep renovations in promoting a Circular City agenda that addresses resource consumption and energy efficiency.

Furthermore, the document elucidates the opportunities and strategies available for cities to embrace Circular City initiatives, focusing on existing and cultural heritage buildings. It provides insights into how sustainable community revitalisation can be achieved through environmentally conscious building practices. By reimagining the role of buildings in urban settings, the document advocates for a shift towards sustainable materials, shared spaces, and low-carbon operational practices to foster a more resilient and eco-friendly urban environment.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Bolletino del Centro Calza Bini, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Gillian Foster
circular city, Buildings, Historic Buildings, Environment, Cultural Heritage, Sustainability, Resource Efficiency, Urban Development
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