Evaluation criteria for a circular adaptive reuse of cultural heritage

Exploring the intersection of cultural heritage preservation and sustainable urban development, this publication delves into the concept of circular adaptive reuse as a catalyst for positive change in European landscapes. Emphasising the pivotal role of cultural heritage in fostering community engagement and responsible conservation practices, the document advocates for a holistic approach to urban planning that integrates cultural values into the fabric of cities. It highlights the potential of adaptive reuse to not only extend the life of historical sites but also to stimulate civic pride and preserve intangible heritage for future generations.

The research presented underscores the significance of inclusivity and accessibility in shaping urban environments that are safe, resilient, and sustainable. By promoting active citizenship and fostering a culture of responsibility towards heritage conservation, this scientific article aims to advance a new development model rooted in circular economy principles. Through a multidimensional evaluation framework, it seeks to identify best practices for circular adaptive reuse of cultural heritage, aligning with global sustainability agendas and the emerging circular city/territory development paradigm.

Ultimately, the publication sets out to generate new knowledge on the benefits of heritage preservation and landscape regeneration, positioning cultural heritage as a driving force behind sustainable growth strategies. By advocating for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and promoting a culture of stewardship towards cultural and natural heritage, it aims to pave the way for a more sustainable and inclusive future for European cities.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Bolletino del Centro Calza Bini, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Antonia Gravagnuolo, Luigi Fusco Girard, Christian Ost, Ruba Saleh
Adaptive Reuse, Cultural Heritage, Circular Economy, Sustainable Urban Development, Conservation Practices, Community engagement
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