A ciência ao serviço da arte e da conservação e restauro: três casos de estudo em pinturas murais do projeto Prim’art

The article underscores the application of science in art history and conservation through three specific case studies. These studies focused on mural paintings dating back to the 16th and early 17th centuries located in significant architectural monuments in southeast and central Portugal.

The research methodology involved a combination of on-site examinations using non-invasive techniques and laboratory analysis of micro samples extracted from paint layers, gilding layers, and their supports. By employing a multidisciplinary approach, the researchers were able to identify fresco and secco painting techniques, original pictorial materials, and materials from previous interventions.

This comprehensive analysis provided insights into the artistic and historical context of the artworks, enabling the establishment of guidelines for their future preservation. The detailed examination included visual observations, photographic documentation, spectrofotometry, portable optical microscopy, and micro-sampling. Additionally, the preparation of cross-sections for further analysis involved embedding micro samples in epoxy resin, polishing them, and conducting optical microscopy.

Overall, the study not only shed light on the technical aspects of the mural paintings but also contributed to a deeper understanding of their historical significance and paved the way for informed conservation and restoration strategies to safeguard these valuable cultural assets for future generations.

Heritage Preservation
Milene Gil
Art, Murals, Historical significance, Conservation, Restoration, Monuments
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