A reserva de pintura da FBAUL: visão historiográfica dos diversos prémios pictóricos

This article delves into the historiographic perspective of the painting collection at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon (FBAUL) and the pictorial awards bestowed by the Lisbon Academy of Fine Arts (ABAL) on students during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The study aims to shed light on the competition rules for various prizes housed at FBAUL, including the Prémio Anunciação, Prémio Lupi, and Prémio Ferreira Chaves.

The research focuses on identifying and reconstructing the award-winning works at FBAUL until 1930, with a preliminary list of participants, winning artists, years, and contest details provided.

The emergence of the FBAUL painting reserve stems from the substantial painting collection left by students since the establishment of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. The article discusses the significance of preserving and making this heritage appealing, emphasizing the importance of investing in cultural heritage. The study also addresses the scarcity of research on the pictorial prizes awarded by ARBAL to students, highlighting the thematic diversity of the prizes to challenge students’ artistic representation skills.

Through examination of ANBA records and Torre do Tombo documents, efforts are underway to locate and contextualize the awarded works from various prizes, both those that won and those that competed. The article acknowledges the gender disparity among prize recipients and the ongoing work to identify and appreciate the awarded pieces within the FBAUL and ANBAL painting collections.

Overall, the article contributes to the understanding of the artistic legacy and academic recognition bestowed upon students by the Lisbon Academy of Fine Arts, enriching the historiography of art education and awards in Portugal.

Heritage Preservation
Liliana Cardeira, Ana Bailão, António Candeias, Fernando António Baptista Pereira
Portugal, Portugal
Art, Portuguese Painting, Collections, Awards, History
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