Conservation of contemporary medals: Packaging solutions

The article focuses on the conservation and packaging solutions for contemporary medals from the extinct Volte Face – Contemporary Medal Research Section at the University of Lisbon. It emphasises the importance of understanding the diverse materials used in creating these medals, including organic, inorganic, and synthetic materials, as they influence degradation and preservation methods. The research aims to present proposals for packaging the medals using 3D modelling, vector drawing, and 3D printing techniques.

In the first part of the study, an inventory of the objects is presented, documenting their constituent materials and degradation factors. The second part defines criteria for selecting packaging formats and construction materials. Specifically, alveolar polypropylene is recommended for the box, while low-density polyethylene is chosen for the filler material. The article also discusses the use of photogrammetry for creating detailed 3D models of the medals to aid in conservation efforts.

Furthermore, the research explores various packaging materials such as polyurethane and polystyrene to ensure the optimal protection of the medals. Different packaging structures, including hinged lids and foam cavities, are considered to provide adequate support and protection during storage and transportation. The study highlights the importance of proper conservation terms and techniques to preserve these contemporary medals for future generations.

Overall, the article underscores the significance of understanding the materials, degradation factors, and innovative packaging solutions in the conservation of contemporary medals. By utilising advanced technologies like 3D modelling and photogrammetry, the research aims to enhance conservation practices and ensure the long-term preservation of these valuable cultural artefacts.

Heritage Preservation
Ana Sofia Neves, Ana Bailão, Frederico Henriques, Andreia Ferreira
Historic objects, Conservation, Packaging, 3D Printing, 3D Modelling, Materials, Artefacts
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