Comparative pottery technology between the Middle Ages and Modern times (Santarém, Portugal)

The article explores the historical and technological aspects of traditional ceramic production in Santarém, Portugal, tracing its origins back to the Roman period and highlighting evidence of pottery making since the Iron Age. The study delves into the impact of historical events, such as the conflict between Christianity and Islam in the twelfth century, on the control and development of Santarém. Mr. Domingos, a ceramist, plays a central role in the analysis, with a focus on the raw clay materials he uses for pottery production. The article discusses the extraction and preparation of raw materials, shaping, decoration, and firing processes involved in the ceramic production cycle.

Analytical techniques, including permeability to vapour analysis and chemical analyses, were employed to compare archaeological and traditional ceramics. The results revealed similarities in the composition and characteristics of these ceramics, shedding light on the continuity of ceramic production practices over time. Different firing criteria were identified based on the function and historical period of the ceramics, emphasising the influence of socio-cultural factors and technological expertise on artisanal decisions.

Overall, the study underscores the interdependence of various factors, such as raw material sources, socio-cultural influences, and technological choices, in shaping pottery technology. By combining material science disciplines like archaeometry and ethno-archaeometry, valuable insights were gained into the production techniques and decision-making processes of ceramists throughout history. The research contributes to a deeper understanding of ancient ceramic technology and highlights the enduring significance of behavioural and socio-cultural factors in the evolution of pottery production practices in Santarém, Portugal.

Heritage Preservation
Massimo Beltrame, Fabio Sitzia, Marco Liberato, Helena Santos, Felipe Themudo Barata, Stefano Columbu, José Mirão
Portugal, Portugal
Middle Ages, Modern, Pottery, Technology, Techniques, Ceramics
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