Plano Nacional Energia e Clima 2021-2030 (PNEC 2030)

The National Energy and Climate Plan (PNEC) 2030 outlines a comprehensive strategy for Portugal’s energy and climate goals. The plan is developed in alignment with the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050, ensuring a coherent approach towards achieving the defined trajectory by 2030. Collaboration with various stakeholders, including the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) and the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), has been instrumental in shaping the final version of the plan.

Regional cooperation plays a crucial role in the preparation of the plan, with joint planning efforts with other EU states under Article 12 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1999. Contributions from nine entities, including APA, DGT, and GPP, have informed the Environmental Report and its non-technical summary, reflecting a multi-stakeholder approach to decision-making.

The plan emphasises the need to address inequalities and ensure the implementation of international commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Key challenges include increasing the share of renewables in the energy mix, enhancing energy efficiency, and improving interconnections to integrate the Iberian market with the rest of Europe.

Coordination of the PNEC is overseen by the Coordination Group, tasked with facilitating national contributions to meet EU energy and climate governance regulations. The plan sets ambitious targets for decarbonizing the economy, with a focus on reducing emissions across various sectors, including energy, industry, transportation, agriculture, and waste management.

Overall, the PNEC 2030 aims to drive Portugal towards a sustainable and low-carbon future, leveraging regional cooperation, stakeholder engagement, and targeted policy measures to achieve its energy and climate objectives.

Green Transition
Government of Portugal
Plan, National, Energy, Climate, carbon neutrality, Sustainable Development
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