Multi-analytical characterisation of blotting sands on documents from religious orders in Portugal (16th-19th centuries)

This article delves into the analysis of blotting sands from historical sources in Portugal. The research, led by M. Nunes and a team of researchers, aimed to investigate the mineral composition and texture of these sands, particularly focusing on samples from Madeira Island. The study revealed that Madeira Island’s sands exhibited more angular grains, attributed to shorter geological transport distances compared to other sources.

The primary objective of the study was to create a comprehensive understanding of the composition of blotting sands in Portugal, potentially extending to a broader European context. Through detailed analysis, the presence of minerals such as quartz, zircon, and garnets was identified in the samples, shedding light on the geological characteristics of the sands.

Furthermore, the research included a multivariate analysis of 18th-century samples from religious houses, utilising techniques like Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The dendrogram generated from HCA illustrated relationships between the religious houses based on mineral composition, while PCA provided insights into the variation in PC1 and PC2 scores.

Overall, this study contributes significantly to understanding the historical use of blotting sands and their geological significance. The findings offer a roadmap for future research on the utilisation of blotting sands in Portugal and potentially in a wider European context. The data availability statement indicates that further information can be obtained upon request, emphasising the transparency and accessibility of the research findings.

Heritage Preservation
Margarida Nunes, Gláucia Wanzeller Martins, Jorge Sarraguça, Fernanda Olival, Patrícia Moita, Scott G. Mitchell, Ana Claro, Teresa Ferreira
Writing, Historic objects, Materials, Tools
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