Cultura em Lisboa – Escutar, agir e cruzar

The document “Cultura em Lisboa – Escutar, agir e cruzar” outlines the strategic approach of Lisbon towards culture between 2019 and 2021, emphasising the integration of cultural initiatives with social, economic, and environmental aspects. It highlights the importance of collaboration and shared vision among all stakeholders involved in municipal culture, including the Municipal Directorate of Culture and EGEAC. The goal is to make the mission, vision, and objectives of the Culture Department widely known and achievable through collective efforts.

One of the key frameworks mentioned is the “Cultura 21: Ações,” which aims to promote the relationship between citizenship, culture, and sustainable development. It provides a practical guide for cities and local governments to engage with various societal actors based on sustainability and the cross-cutting nature of culture. The document identifies nine sectoral areas for action, such as cultural rights, heritage, education, and the environment.

Lisbon’s cultural ecosystem is viewed as dynamic and responsive to urban changes, with the Municipal Directorate of Culture and EGEAC serving as instrumental bodies to achieve common policy objectives. The document also emphasises the need for alignment and coordination between cultural activities and other municipal functions.

Furthermore, Lisbon supports private cultural initiatives, partnerships, and film production to enrich its cultural landscape. Efforts are made to enhance accessibility to cultural facilities, promote inclusivity, and address challenges in communication and coordination. The city is committed to continuous improvement in cultural practices and aligning with international frameworks like the Agenda 21 of Culture and the UN Sustainable Development Goals to foster cultural development globally.

Heritage Preservation
Municipality of Lisbon
Portugal, Portugal
Culture, Municipalities, Strategy, Policies
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