Παραδοσιακές Τεχνικές Δόμησης: H ελληνική μαστοριά. Λίθινες κατασκευές

The manual “Stone Structures” briefly presents the types of stones and masonry that occur in medieval and modern -not ancient- buildings in the Greek area, the traditional way of construction and the organization of the stonework in the their guilds. To ensure the viability of this part of intangible cultural heritage, the manual presents the common damages and deterioration of stone structures, the main causes of their deterioration and indicative ways of intervention for the their restoration.

The manual is short and addressed to to engineers without expertise in maintenance, to new craftsmen but also owners of traditional buildings. The main aim is to highlight traditional structures and the need for professionals to specialise in maintenance and restoration techniques for historic buildings.

The manuals for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Building Techniques (a) record and present the material evidence of traditional building and related trades in Greece, and (b) set out the basic principles of maintenance and restoration of traditional structures. The aim of the manuals is to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage associated with traditional building techniques and construction systems, which tend to disappear nowadays.

Heritage Preservation
Elliniki Etairia – Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage
stone, Conservation, Vernacular, Architectural Heritage
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