Policy Profile Slovakia


Slovakia is a member state of the European Union and is, therefore, required to implement all EU directives, laws, regulations and policies, including those related to heritage and culture. 

Slovakia and the EU

The European Commission and European Parliament have Representation and Liaison Offices respectively in Bratislava. The Slovakian Government maintains a Permanent Representation to the European Union in Brussels.

National Cultural Policy in Slovakia

At a national level, the central body of state administration for the cultural framework is the Ministerstvo Kultúry (Ministry of Culture) of the Slovak Republic. Its main roles are to prepare and submit legislation, to issue regulations, carry out state administration relating to culture and cultural heritage, ensure the preservation of monuments, work on international cooperation and manage public finances designated for culture. At a parliamentary level, the Výbor Národnej Rady Slovenskej Republiky pre Kultúru a Médiá (Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic for Culture and Media) is in charge of the cultural framework. It is responsible for implementing the government manifesto, and making recommendations on legislation.

The Ministry of Culture has 11 specialised advisory bodies such as the Central Language Council, the Council for the Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Commission for the Preservation of Elements of Cultural Heritage, or the Monument Council, and directly manages 30 national cultural institutions. Some of the most important institutions is BIBIANA (The International House of Art for Children) and the Národné Osvetové Centrum (NOC) (National Enlightenment Center) spreading art and culture at an international and national level respectively.

Regional Policies in Slovakia

Slovakia is divided into 8 self-governing regions with regional assemblies. If the Ministry of Culture is in charge of national cultural institutions, there are many regional cultural institutions falling under these authorities. The regions, or higher territorial units, are responsible for the establishment of regional institutions, the creation of conditions for the development of cultural  and values, and supporting the preservation of monuments and cultural heritage. Towns and municipalities also have a role to play in the preservation of local cultural values and heritage, and the support of local activities.

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* = This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

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