Carta aberta: Procedimento concursal Laboratório José de Figueiredo e Contratação de 40 conservadores-restauradores por parte do Estado Português

This open letter addresses the Minister of Culture regarding concerns about the lack of clear qualifications and competencies for Conservators-Restorers in Portugal. It highlights the absence of specific requirements in current legal frameworks, such as Laws 107/2001, 47/2004, and Decree-Law 140/2009.

The signatories express disagreement with the ongoing recruitment process for Conservators-Restorers at the José de Figueiredo Laboratory, emphasising the need for more stringent criteria given the responsibilities involved. They stress the importance of defining the professional profile of Conservators-Restorers to safeguard cultural heritage.

The letter references previous commitments by the Minister of Culture to legally recognize the title, qualifications, responsibilities, and competencies of Conservators-Restorers. It also mentions the significance of Law 2/2021, which acknowledges the exceptional nature of professionals involved in preserving national historical and artistic heritage. Despite efforts, the letter notes a lack of minimum requirements for even prestigious positions within heritage services, highlighting the public interest and state responsibility in conserving cultural heritage.

The signatories, including representatives from professional associations and academic institutions, call for the suspension and proper repetition of the recruitment process to ensure adequate recognition of Conservators-Restorers’ professional profile. They stress the urgency of formal acknowledgment of this profile during a crucial period of integrating Conservators-Restorers into state institutions. The letter underscores the need for legal clarity and appropriate qualifications to uphold the integrity of cultural heritage conservation practices in Portugal.

Heritage Preservation
Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA)
Conservation, Restoration, Labor, Cultural Professions
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