Pela salvaguarda do património cultural, sustentada na qualidade técnica das intervenções de Conservação e Restauro

This petition emphasises the critical importance of conserving and restoring cultural heritage with a focus on technical expertise. It discusses the European perspective on cultural heritage conservation, highlighting the skills, knowledge, and ethical standards required for professionals in this field. The European approach underscores the need for professionals to have a broad skill set, deep knowledge, and a strong ethical foundation to effectively manage and safeguard cultural heritage for present and future generations.

In the context of Portugal, the text addresses the lack of legal recognition and formalisation of the conservator-restorer profile. Despite aligning with European cultural policies, Portugal has yet to define the role and qualifications of conservator-restorers officially. The petition thus calls for the completion of regulations regarding the responsibilities and qualifications of conservator-restorers to ensure the protection and sustainability of cultural heritage in the country.

Furthermore, it points out the challenges arising from the absence of clear boundaries and criteria in conservation and restoration processes. This lack of clarity leads to a harmful level of discretion where unqualified individuals may be involved in heritage conservation projects. The document stresses that cultural heritage is a public interest asset and asserts that its protection and sustainability are crucial for the economic and social development of the country.

Overall, the petition advocates for the regulatory completion of the Law on Cultural Heritage and the Framework Law of Portuguese Museums to define the conservator-restorer’s role clearly and legally, ensuring the preservation and appreciation of cultural heritage for the benefit of society as a whole.

Heritage Preservation
Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal
Conservation, Restoration, Labor, Cultural Professions
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