Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005

This legislation establishes measures to promote and protect the Gaelic language in Scotland, emphasising its cultural significance and heritage. It mandates relevant public authorities to develop Gaelic language plans, ensuring the language’s preservation and promotion in various sectors.

The Act empowers the Bòrd na Gàidhlig to provide guidance and support to public bodies in implementing these plans effectively. Furthermore, the legislation outlines procedures for reviewing and appealing notices related to Gaelic language plans, ensuring transparency and accountability in the process. It also addresses the monitoring of plan implementation, allowing for assessments of progress and compliance with the outlined measures.

The Act underscores the importance of Gaelic education and access to Gaelic language and culture, aiming to enhance awareness and appreciation of Scotland’s linguistic heritage. Additionally, the legislation establishes the National Gaelic language plan, setting timelines for its publication and updates to ensure continuous efforts towards Gaelic language revitalization. The Act emphasises collaboration between relevant authorities and the Bòrd to achieve the shared goal of safeguarding and promoting the Gaelic language.

By enacting these provisions, the legislation contributes to the preservation and celebration of Scotland’s rich linguistic heritage, fostering a deeper connection to the country’s cultural roots.

Heritage Preservation
Scottish Parliament
United Kingdom
Gaelic, Gaelic language, Gaelic culture, Language, Cultural Heritage, Heritage, Education
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