Guide to Digital Transformation in Cultural Heritage

This guide provides valuable insights and recommendations for digital transformation within the European cultural heritage sector. It offers a comprehensive framework for individuals and organizations involved in museums, galleries, archives, libraries, and other heritage sites to navigate the complexities of digital evolution. Emphasizing the importance of a values-led approach, the guide acknowledges the diverse contexts and needs within the sector, highlighting that digital transformation is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

The guide focuses on key definitions related to digital, digital transformation, digital maturity, and capacity building, establishing a shared understanding of terminology crucial for effective communication and progress. It underscores the significance of adopting a common language and approach to enhance collaboration, align objectives, and build digital capacity across the sector. By prioritizing language, mindset, culture, purpose, and values, the guide aims to empower stakeholders to leverage digital technologies for the benefit of cultural heritage preservation and audience engagement.

Furthermore, the guide encourages individuals and organizations to assess their digital skills, literacies, and activities, providing prompts and resources to support capacity building.
It prompts reflection on data management, content creation, and online identity management to ensure compliance, accessibility, and security in digital practices. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, the guide equips professionals and enthusiasts in the European heritage field with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

Digital Transition, Heritage Preservation
Culture 24, Europeana
Anra Kennedy, Jane Finnis
Digital Transformation, Skills, Capacity Building, Heritage Preservation, audience development, Data, Accessibility, Compliance
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