LEGE nr. 26 din 29 februarie 2008 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural (Law no. 26 of February 29, 2008 on the protection of intangible cultural heritage) imaterial

This law focuses on intangible cultural heritage. It starts with a first chapter on general considerations (including definitions of the operational terms), followed by a second chapter on traditional cultural expressions, which are considered to be spoken works (e.g. fairytales), non-spoken works (e.g. dancing), syncretic works (e.g. songs with instrumentation), arts and crafts, as well as recipes and guidelines for preparing foods, construction materials or textiles. The third chapter outlines the protection measures for this type of heritage, followed by a chapter on the institutions and bodies with responsibilities on this topic. It also mentions details on the Living Human Treasure concept. Compared to the other laws, this one lacks a dedicated section on related crimes and the ways in which they would be punished, and it is also less dense. However, it does hold an interesting mention of institutions being responsible of “supporting projects that would encourage the interest of youth towards intangible cultural heritage”.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Parlamentul Romaniei
Intangible Cultural Heritage, Heritage Protection
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