V Plan Director de la Cooperación Española

This document outlines the key objectives and strategies of the V Master Plan, which serves as a comprehensive framework guiding Spain’s cooperation efforts. It focuses on fostering cultural development and promoting institutional strengthening in partner countries, aligning with the principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The plan underscores the significance of culture as a driver of development, emphasizing the importance of preserving cultural diversity and heritage while fostering intercultural dialogue.

Central to the V Master Plan are four overarching goals, corresponding to key dimensions of the 2030 Agenda: people, planet, prosperity, and peace. Through cultural and development programmes, the plan aims to stimulate institutional strengthening, promote joint ownership of initiatives, and facilitate dialogue on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda. These efforts seek to empower communities, enhance sustainability, and foster peace and prosperity in partner countries.

A core aspect of the plan is the promotion of cultural diversity, which encompasses both tangible and intangible heritage and fosters intercultural dialogue. Recognising cultural diversity as a source of wealth, the plan prioritises the protection and promotion of heritage, acknowledging its role in shaping identities and fostering mutual understanding among communities. By integrating cultural diversity into cooperation efforts, the plan seeks to build inclusive societies and promote social cohesion.

The document highlights the cross-cutting nature of cultural diversity within cooperation initiatives, emphasising its integration into various sectors and projects. By mainstreaming cultural diversity across different areas of cooperation, the plan aims to maximise its impact and relevance, ensuring that cultural considerations are integrated into development policies and programmes. Overall, the V Master Plan reflects Spain’s commitment to leveraging culture as a catalyst for sustainable development and promoting global solidarity and cooperation.

Full name (English): V Master Plan for Spanish cooperation

Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
International Cooperation, Plan, 2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals, cultural diversity
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