Real Decreto 385/2017, de 8 de abril, por el que se declara la Trashumancia como Manifestación Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial

Transhumant livestock activity, deeply rooted in the cultural and historical fabric of Spain, has historically played a significant role in shaping the landscape and fostering social, economic, and ecological interconnections. This traditional practice, known as “transhumant pastoral culture,” has not only sustained livelihoods but also contributed to the cultural identity of various Spanish territories, leaving behind a rich legacy of cultural and ethnographic heritage.

The integration of transhumance as a Representative Manifestation of intangible cultural heritage underscores its importance in promoting social cohesion within local communities. Moreover, it serves as a testament to the positive impact of this practice on the restoration and preservation of the peninsular landscape. By recognising transhumance as an integral part of European heritage, the document highlights the enduring significance of this age-old tradition.

The document emphasises the multifaceted benefits of transhumance, ranging from its cultural and social significance to its environmental contributions. Through the preservation and promotion of transhumance as a Representative Manifestation, efforts are directed towards safeguarding not only tangible heritage but also intangible cultural practices that have shaped the Spanish landscape for centuries.

Furthermore, the inclusion of transhumance in the realm of intangible cultural heritage reflects a broader commitment to honouring and celebrating traditional practices that have endured the test of time. By acknowledging the cultural and historical value of transhumance, the document aims to raise awareness and appreciation for this age-old tradition among professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage.

In summary, the document illuminates the intrinsic connection between transhumance, cultural identity, and landscape preservation in Spain. By recognising transhumance as a Representative Manifestation of intangible cultural heritage, the document seeks to celebrate and preserve this timeless tradition for future generations to appreciate and cherish.

Full name (English): Royal Decree 385/2017, of 8 April, declaring Transhumance as a Representative Manifestation of Intangible Cultural Heritage

Heritage Preservation
Transhumance, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Representative Expression, Traditional Agricultural Practices
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