The European Union has recommended in its latest guidelines for all member states to implement energy efficiency measures in the buildings sector as a priority to establish a sustainable Energy Union. The guidelines underline the necessity of adopting a comprehensive and integrated approach to improve building energy performance. Directive (EU) 2018/844 amended Directive 2010/31/EU (‘EPBD’) in 2018 to accelerate the modernisation of buildings in the Union with two complementary objectives: i) accelerate renovations to existing buildings by 2050, and ii) support the modernisation of all buildings with smart technologies and a clearer link to clean mobility.
The recommendations outline the importance of optimising performance of technical building systems, introducing new system requirements, and improvements to the transparency of energy performance certificates. Furthermore, the guidelines call for prioritising the use of innovative technologies like electric vehicles, smart charging infrastructure, and renewable energy in the decarbonisation of the economy.
For heritage professionals and enthusiasts, the guidelines may have direct implications for their work, as many historical and cultural buildings are originally designed without consideration for energy efficiency. However, renovating these buildings with smart technology may transform them into sustainable, modern buildings, leading to greener, smarter use of urban spaces and supporting sustainable tourism. Implementation of the guidelines will also drive energy efficiency innovation in the heritage sector going forward.