Investimento RE-C04-i02: Património Cultural

Investment RE-C04-i02 is one of two different investments of the National Resilience and Recovery Plan that focus on Culture and refers to Cultural Heritage. This investment is divided into three different measures:
1- Requalification and conservation of state museums, monuments and palaces
2- Renovation of National Theatres
3- Implementation of the Saber Fazer Programme

It establishes that, under the first measure, work will be carried out on classified cultural heritage throughout the country, covering a universe of 46 museums, palaces and monuments, including emblematic monuments and museums such as the Jerónimos Monastery, the National Archaeological Museum and the Belém Tower, properties under the tutelage of the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage and the Regional Directorates for Culture, which will allow for the requalification, preservation and adaptation to heritage constraints, as well as energy and water efficiency requirements.

Under the second measure, rehabilitation and modernisation work will be carried out on national cultural facilities, namely the S. Carlos National Theatre, the D. Maria II National Theatre and the Camões Theatre; In addition to refurbishing/restoring the physical component of the theatres with improved active and passive energy performance, the planned interventions also include improvements to the infrastructure and technical equipment to modernise these cultural facilities and comply with current environmental and safety standards, with a view to increasing resilience and sustainability.

Finally, under the third measure, the Saber Fazer Technological Centre and Saber Fazer Laboratories will be established, with associated routes.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Government of Portugal
Portuguese, English
Recovery and Resilience Plan, Investment, Requalification, Conservation, Museums, Monuments
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