Legislación e innovación educativa en la gestión del patrimonio arqueológico de las islas Canarias

This insightful study investigates the role of heritage education within the legislative and educational framework of the Canary Islands, offering valuable insights into ongoing initiatives aimed at prioritising heritage within the education system. Through qualitative observation, the study uncovers a noticeable discrepancy in the integration of archaeological heritage across various educational levels, particularly noting its limited presence in primary education settings.

The analysis suggests the need for a more comprehensive integration of archaeological heritage into curricula, advocating for a competency-based and inclusive educational approach. Such an approach would position heritage as a fundamental tool for historical study while fostering collective awareness of the importance of preserving this rich cultural legacy.

Furthermore, the study outlines future perspectives, emphasizing the importance of revising and strengthening pedagogical approaches to heritage education. It calls for the development of strategies that promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of archaeological heritage from the early stages of education, thereby enriching the overall educational experience.

The findings underscore the significance of heritage education in shaping the cultural consciousness of future generations and promoting the conservation of the Canary Islands’ cultural heritage. By advocating for a more robust integration of heritage education within the educational framework, the study aims to contribute to the preservation and appreciation of the region’s cultural heritage among both students and educators alike.

Heritage Preservation
La Laguna University
Gisela de la Guardia Montesdeoca
Archaeological Site, Policies, Inclusion, Legislation, Didactics of History
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