Portuguese archives and libraries: a century of preservation and conservation practices for the control of biodeterioration

This article delves into the challenges and strategies related to the conservation of European heritage, focusing on the management of biodeterioration in cultural institutions. It highlights the historical concerns surrounding pest control in archives and libraries, emphasising the evolution of intervention principles and methods over the centuries. The text discusses the use of chemical products for pest control, the shift towards sustainable conservation methods, and the importance of preventive conservation strategies.

Throughout the document, the significance of preventive measures in maintaining the integrity of graphic cultural heritage is underscored. It explores the historical context of pest control practices, drawing parallels with international conservation efforts. The narrative delves into the impact of biodeterioration on paper-based objects, emphasising the biodegradable nature of organic materials and the role of living organisms in degradation processes.

Moreover, the article addresses the need for collaboration between research groups and heritage institutions to tackle persistent pest problems effectively. It calls for increased investments and a comprehensive plan to address recognised conservation issues. The text also highlights the challenges posed by the lack of coordination between professionals and policymakers, advocating for a shift towards preservation-focused initiatives to safeguard cultural heritage for future generations.

In conclusion, the document advocates for a reevaluation of conservation practices, emphasising the importance of sustainable methods, environmental considerations, and cost-effectiveness in preserving European heritage. It urges decision-makers to prioritise preventive conservation strategies and invest in long-term solutions to combat biodeterioration effectively.

Heritage Preservation
Conceição Casanova, Ana Catarina Pinheiro
Biodeterioration, Preventive Conservation, Archives, Libraries, Contamination, Sustainability
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