Conservação, salvaguarda e valorização do Património Arquitetónico: opções, fases e suas vicissitudes

The article “Conservação, salvaguarda e valorização do Património Arquitetónico: opções, fases e suas vicissitudes” delves into the conservation, protection, and valorization of architectural heritage. It emphasises the importance of following methodological and doctrinal guidelines outlined in international charters and Portuguese legislation. Additionally, it discusses the application of these principles in the context of complex buildings, stressing the need to consider the entire structure and its intangible historical significance.

The article highlights the challenges and considerations involved in interventions on architectural heritage, emphasising the need for a scientific and contemporary approach to preserve the essence of the built environment. The process of knowledge, reflection, project development, and execution in conservation work is explored, with a specific focus on the Cathedral of Beja project. The article outlines the guiding principles and methodology employed in this project, aiming to understand and respect the complex nature of the architectural heritage being preserved. It also touches upon the vicissitudes and obstacles encountered during the intervention process.

Overall, the article underscores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach and the exchange of ideas in the conservation field, emphasising the significance of preserving not just the physical structure but also the intangible values and experiences associated with it.

Heritage Preservation
Miguel Malheiro, Augusto Costa
Architectural Heritage, Methodology, Intervention, Conservation, Protection
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