Arte e Esperança Percursos da Iniciativa PARTIS

PARTIS – Artistic Practices for Social Inclusion – is an initiative of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to support projects that aim to push the boundaries and showcase the role of art in integrating vulnerable communities. These projects create spaces for freedom and continuing learning, where prejudices can be overcome, and understanding and mutual respect can be nurtured.

The two first PARTIS editions covered 33 projects from different regions of Portugal, and included cultural activities such as music, visual arts, theatre and dance. The participants included refugee communities, prisoners, disabled people and mental health patients. More recently, a further 15 projects have been selected through an open call for support between 2019 and 2021.

Art and Hope. PARTIS Initiative Trajectories has focused on six experiences from the supported projects to tell the story of how they were created and made to work, giving voice to their principal players. This work reflects on the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s motivation and learning experiences in promoting the civic role of the arts and the discovery of new models of social inclusion.

Overall, the document emphasises the positive collaborations that have strengthened the relationship between social and cultural dimensions in Portugal, it addresses the lack of systematisation and documentation in the early phases of participatory art projects, and it underscores the significant impact of participatory art in reshaping societal perspectives and fostering inclusivity.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Philantropy, Development, Social Inclusion, Community, Art, Participation
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