Relatório Final do Grupo de Projeto Museus no Futuro

Following the project created by Council of Ministers Resolution in February 2019, the Museums in the Future Group presented the results of its mandate to the Minister of Culture in November 2020. Following a process of consultation with the directors of the Museums, Palaces and Monuments of the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage and the Regional Directorates for Culture and subsequent public discussion, the final documents contain 50 recommendations that can be turned into public policy measures for this universe.

The recommendations are organised around 5 thematic axes: Museum Management; Networks and Partnerships; Digital Transformation; Collection Management; and Audiences and Mediation. The report emphasises the need for strategic planning and proactive measures to ensure the sustainability and accessibility of cultural heritage in the face of evolving societal and economic landscapes.

One of the central themes explored in the report is the imperative to diversify audiences and enhance accessibility to cultural heritage sites. It highlights the importance of engaging with a broader demographic, including individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds and varying needs. Moreover, the report underscores the significance of digital transition, advocating for the implementation of innovative technologies to facilitate virtual interactions and broaden the reach of heritage institutions.

Furthermore, the report addresses the financial aspects of heritage management, discussing the distribution of revenues among different types of museums and the potential impact of economic crises on heritage preservation. It also underscores the importance of fostering partnerships between heritage institutions and external organisations, emphasising the mutual benefits of collaboration.

Overall, this report serves as a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European heritage, offering a comprehensive analysis of current challenges and opportunities. Its recommendations and findings provide a solid foundation for informed decision-making and strategic planning aimed at safeguarding and promoting Europe’s rich cultural heritage for future generations.

Heritage Preservation
Direção-Geral do Património Cultural
Museums, Network, Management, Partnership, Digital Transformation, Collections, Public Engagement, Cultural Mediation
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