Diagnóstico dos Serviços Educativos e de Mediação Cultural dos Museus da Rede Portuguesa de Museus

Inspired by its institutional participation in the Scientific Monitoring Committee of the National Arts Plan, as the coordinating body of the Portuguese Museum Network, the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage developed a Survey of Educational and Cultural Mediation Services (ISEMC) of the 156 museums integrated into this Network in 2020. The information collected led to this Report and to the provision of complementary information to the National Arts Plan for its mapping and cross-referencing with data from other plans, programmes and networks represented in the respective Scientific Committee.

The report emphasises the significance of research, documentation, conservation, and interpretation, with a focus on scientific, educational, and recreational objectives. It also highlights the importance of providing regular public access to heritage sites and fostering cultural democratisation, personal development, and societal progress.

Furthermore, it presents a comprehensive overview of various projects and initiatives aimed at exploring and reenacting historical narratives, particularly those related to mediaeval periods and local histories. It outlines the engagement of schools and the general public in thematic guided visits, educational sessions, and interactive activities, all designed to enhance understanding and appreciation of European heritage. Additionally, it sheds light on the collaborative efforts between museums, educational institutions, and local communities to bring history to life and complement academic curricula with local historical perspectives.

Finally, the document details the implementation of innovative programs such as interactive treasure hunts and peddy paper activities, which serve as engaging platforms for learning about historical figures, cultural movements, and the evolution of transportation. It also underscores the inclusive approach adopted by museums, catering to visitors with visual impairments and providing tailored experiences to ensure accessibility and engagement for all.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Direção-Geral do Património Cultural
Museums, Network, Cultural Mediation, Education, National, Art, Plan
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