Decreto-Lei nº 22/2019, de 30 de janeiro: Transferência de Competências para os Municípios no domínio da Cultura (Decree-Law no. 22/2019, of 30 January: Transfer of Powers to Municipalities in the field of Culture)

This Decree-law outlines the transfer of competencies to municipal bodies in the field of culture, in line with the principles of subsidiarity, administrative decentralisation, and local power autonomy. It aims to leverage the extensive municipal experience in local cultural programming, management, and valorization.

The document emphasises the harmonisation of procedures for territories spanning multiple municipalities, promoting the use of electronic processing methods. It also revises the regime for the operation of artistic performances and the installation and supervision of fixed venues, with a focus on simplification, integration, and dematerialization of procedures, as well as the exercise of competencies by municipalities. Additionally, it specifies that municipalities not intending to exercise the competencies outlined in the decree must communicate this decision to the Directorate-General of Local Authorities within 60 days of the decree’s entry into force.

The legislation also highlights the involvement of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities in the decision-making process. Furthermore, it addresses the inclusion of other cultural assets of the State in the decree and provides transitional provisions for the transfer of competencies, including the maintenance of existing inter-administrative contracts until the municipalities assume the new competencies.

Overall, by extending the scope of action of the municipalities to the management and conservation of cultural heritage and the control and supervision of artistic performances, this decree-law strengthens decentralisation and local autonomy; and brings the state closer to its citizens.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Government of Portugal
Municipalities, Heritage, Art, Management, Conservation, Decentralisation
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