Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 49/2021, de 11 de maio: Programa de Investimentos para o Património Cultural

This Resolution presents a comprehensive overview of the Program of Investments for Cultural Heritage in Portugal. It outlines the government’s commitment to preserving and promoting the country’s cultural heritage as a fundamental component of sustainable development and competitiveness.

The document emphasises the significance of cultural heritage in strengthening national identity and fostering social cohesion. It highlights the urgent need for structured investment in the rehabilitation and preservation of Portugal’s cultural heritage sites, including museums, palaces, and monuments.

The program aims to address the pressing need for interventions in the preservation and restoration of immovable cultural heritage properties. It underscores the importance of securing European funds, particularly from the “Next Generation EU,” to finance these investments. The operationalization of these funds will be overseen by the Cultural Heritage Safeguard Fund. The document also stresses the prioritisation of interventions for safeguarding and investing in cultural heritage, with a focus on improving energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Furthermore, the Resolution underscores the positive impact of these investments on the physical improvement of cultural heritage sites and their surrounding areas. It also highlights the economic, social, and territorial benefits of preserving and promoting cultural heritage. The government’s commitment to disseminating and promoting Portuguese culture both domestically and internationally is also emphasised, with the aim of enhancing the country’s cultural image and creative dynamism.

Heritage Preservation
Government of Portugal
Immovable Cultural Heritage, Investment, Preservation, Rehabilitation
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