Programa Saber Fazer

The “Saber Fazer” Program contains the national strategy for traditional arts and crafts for the years 2021 – 2025 and results from the recognition of the importance that the craft production sector can play in contemporary society, creating products and services that make sense in our daily lives, with economic viability, environmental benefits and heritage value.

The “Saber Fazer” platform results from the implementation of one of the lines of action of the “Saber Fazer” Program, approved by Ministerial Resolution n.º 89/2020 and consists of a tool that will reflect the work of collecting, organising, producing and making knowledge available on craft practices, local agents and their raw materials, underlining their relevance as tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

The platform aims to map craft production in the Portuguese territory, gather and provide information and documentation in an integrated manner, update the image and representation of arts and crafts, promote craft production as a contemporary activity and create a reference space for Portuguese arts and crafts. It also proposes to make craft products and services more accessible, to promote knowledge sharing and the sharing of experiences and opportunities for informal learning of the craft techniques. Finally, it aims to value the social, cultural and economic dimensions of arts and crafts.

Digital Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Direção-Geral das Artes, Património Cultural, I.P., Government of Portugal
Cultural Heritage, Craftsmanship, Art, Online Learning, Digital Access
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