Manifesto of the Organization of World Heritage Cities

Discover the Organisation of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) Mayors’ Manifesto, which outlines a strategic vision for the sustainable development of European heritage cities. Emphasizing the impact of climate, economic, and social crises on urban environments, the manifesto calls for innovative approaches to address these challenges. It highlights the importance of heritage as a vital resource for regenerative development, enabling cities to reinvent themselves while preserving their identity and potential.

The manifesto underscores the commitment of OWHC member cities to preserving and safeguarding their heritage, while also adapting to climate change through the implementation of innovative urban projects. It outlines the “Roadmap” process, which aims to facilitate joint action and the development of a strategy for creating more sustainable, resilient, and liveable cities. The focus is on reducing carbon emissions, preserving biodiversity, and promoting the efficient use of local resources, renovating existing infrastructures, and the creation of attractive public spaces.

The manifesto advocates for the retention of existing populations, the reduction of car use in cities, and the promotion of social diversity. It also highlights the importance of fostering partnerships with key international players to support realizing urban development goals. In summary, it serves as a call to action for OWHC member cities to embrace an original heritage approach and contribute to the cohesive and inclusive societies essential for the future of heritage cities.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Organization of World Heritage Cities
Manifesto, Mayors, Cities, City, Community, Urban Environment, World Heritage Cities, Sustainability, Regeneration, Diversity, Social Cohesion, Carbon Emissions, Biodiversity, Resources
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