Portaria n.º 388/2023, de 23 de novembro: Estatutos do Património Cultural, I. P.

This ordinance approves and publishes the statutes of Património Cultural, I.P. (Cultural Heritage, Public Institute), which came into force on 1st of January, 2024. This new Public institution is created by the Decree Law no. 78/2023 and succeeds the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage.

The Statutes establish that the core structure of Património Cultural, I.P. is made up of the following organisational units: the Department of Cultural Assets; the Department of Projects and Works; the Department of Planning and Management; the Department of Digital Transition; and the Department of the Safeguard Fund. The Statutes also determine the responsibilities of each unit, which include a focus on the field of digital transformation, on the management and operationalisation of investments in real estate whose requalification is provided for in the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), and on the promotion of scientific research and partnerships with research centres with respect to the study of heritage-related topics.

Furthermore, the document elucidates the Department of Projects and Works’ pivotal role in monitoring the conservation status of cultural assets and proposing measures for their safeguarding and enhancement. It also highlights the department’s collaboration in regional intervention plans and annual projects related to architectural, landscape, and archaeological heritage. Additionally, the publication underscores the Department’s involvement in maintaining technical information archives and conducting awareness-raising activities.

Heritage Preservation
Government of Portugal
Cultural Heritage, Statute, Regulation, Digital Transition, Fund
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