Restaurar nuestro pasado. Avanzar en el futuro

This publication delves into the significance of the European Heritage in the context of Aragón, focusing on key themes such as cultural preservation, historical memory, and the promotion of democratic values. It emphasizes the region’s commitment to managing and preserving its rich cultural heritage, including World Heritage Sites and rock art findings. The document highlights the importance of the Camino de Santiago as a cultural and economic asset, as well as the region’s dedication to safeguarding the Mediterranean diet as part of its cultural heritage.

Furthermore, the publication underscores Aragón’s efforts to promote paleontological tourism and transform cultural resources into products for society. It also discusses the region’s engagement in archaeological excavations to preserve historical sites and its role in managing and protecting the Mediterranean diet as a cultural heritage. Additionally, the document addresses the region’s focus on historical memory and democratic values, aiming to foster a culture of peace and justice through the preservation of historical and cultural assets.

Overall, this publication serves as a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage, providing insights into Aragón’s initiatives and strategies for preserving, promoting, and leveraging its cultural heritage. It offers a comprehensive overview of the region’s commitment to cultural preservation and its contributions to the broader European heritage landscape, making it an essential read for those interested in the intersection of heritage, culture, and society.

Heritage Preservation
Gobierno de Aragón, Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural, Europe Direct Aragón
Aragón, Cultural Heritage, Culture Preservation, Mediterranean Diet, Camino de Santiago, Cultural Resources
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